What foods should and should not be eaten with Corona Virus Disease

Corona virus is not yet fully understood. It is the direct causative agent of pneumonia (pneumonia). To prevent Corona Virus Disease, it is necessary to eat products that strengthen the immune system, as well as containing a large amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances.

What foods should be eaten with Corona Virus Disease

With Corona virus Pneumonia, the following general recommendations should be followed:

  • Increase the number of meals to 5-6 per day and reduce the calorie content of servings
  • Do not eat too hot (over 60 ° C) food
  • Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day
  • The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before going to bed
  • Give preference to steamed, baked or boiled foods.

What foods should be eaten with Corona Virus Disease?

  • Fish and seafood. It is recommended to eat pike and cod. It is best to cook fish cakes or souffles. Good sushi will also be helpful.
  • Meat. Be sure to eat low-fat varieties: chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit, beef. Before eating, meat should be cleaned of tendons, skin and fat. It is most useful to eat baked or boiled meat.
  • The eggs. A moderate amount will be useful steam omelet. You can also eat soft-boiled eggs, but not more than 2 per day.
  • Sweets. In a small amount you can eat honey, fruit desserts, jam and jam. It is also permissible to use dry biscuit and biscuit cookies.
  • Vegetables, berries and fruits. You can eat potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers. They should be baked or cooked. It is also recommended to introduce strawberries, apples, cherries, raspberries and grapes into the diet.
  • Soups Cooked in lean meat, vegetable or fish broth.
  • Dairy products. Cottage cheese, as well as sour cream and kefir, will be especially useful. They can be added in souffle or pudding. It is also advised to include hard or cream cheese in the menu.
  • Cereals. It is recommended to eat buckwheat, semolina, oat and rice. From these cereals you can cook boiled cereals, as well as casseroles, puddings and souffles.
From drinks you can drink unsweetened black or green tea, as well as warm milk, still water and berry fruit drinks.

What foods should not be eaten with Corona Virus Disease?

With Corona virus Pneumonia, the following foods and drinks should be excluded from your diet:
  • Mushrooms
  • Alcohol
  • Fat meat
  • Oily fish
  • Sausages
  • Smoked meats
  • Soda
  • Coffee
  • Fat
  • Pickled vegetables
  • Cooking oil
Thus, with corona virus disease, it is necessary to adhere to a diet usually prescribed for pneumonia. This nutrition plan is necessary to eliminate the inflammatory process and reduce intoxication of the body. 
It should be remembered that the use of prohibited foods can aggravate the course of the disease.

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