How Corona Virus Disease affects Pregnancy

Against the background of fast spreading corona virus  disease around the world and growing panic, natural questions arise in pregnant and lactating mothers.
How Corona Virus Disease affects Pregnancy

Danger not proven

During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, due to physiological and immunological characteristics, the body's resistance decreases. This leads to increased susceptibility to viral infections, including SARS. Since Corona Virus Disease is the same respiratory viral infection, it seems that susceptibility to it is also growing.

Coronaviruses have been known for a long time, but the COVID-19 strain is new, and, as we already know, it can cause severe forms of respiratory infection, mainly in the elderly (over 60), as well as in people suffering from chronic, oncological, autoimmune diseases.

The development of acute respiratory failure with coronavirus infection is the main cause of deaths. In 80% of cases, the infection is mild, in children, mainly without Corona Virus Symptoms.

Due to the epidemiological situation in the world and the relatively short period of activity of the new virus, it is not yet possible to conduct large-scale studies on the effect of Corona Virus Disease infection on pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, USA), there is no convincing evidence of any negative effects of Corona Virus Disease on pregnancy.
There are several reports that pregnant women with a positive reaction to COVID-19 gave birth to healthy babies (without Corona Virus Disease). 

To date, several single births of children with positive COVID-19 who were born from infected mothers have been recorded, the exact number is not known, since the data changes every day. In the predominant number of children born to infected mothers, coronavirus was not detected.

There were also a number of reports of several adverse neonatal outcomes (premature births) in pregnant women with positive COVID-19, but since the data are very limited, it cannot be accurately stated that the cause of the premature birth was Corona Virus Disease.

Caution for Pregnant Women is still important.

Despite the comforting information at first glance, all pregnant women, like any other person in a pandemic, should follow the necessary precautions and not neglect the rules of hygiene.

Wash hands frequently, use antiseptic agents regularly, and do not touch the face (nose, mouth) with hands. , try to avoid contact with sick people, as well as with people who have recently returned from countries entering the dangerous epidemiological zone.

According to the recommendations of ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology) and RCOG (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists , UK), a pregnant woman in the current situation should postpone planned visits to the clinic and her treating gynecologist, you need to visit him in case of urgent need. 

If you have any complaints, it is recommended to consult a doctor remotely, personally contacting - only if absolutely necessary. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees and the appearance of a dry cough, call an ambulance team and inform the gynecologist about this.

Just the other day, leading international societies - the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the British Fertility Society (BFS) and the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) - made a statement.
Due to the fact that the effect of COVID-19 on embryos and the course of pregnancy is not known, and even in an emergency, new cycles of infertility treatment should not begin at the present time. 
This decision will be regularly reviewed as new data become available and the dynamics of the pandemic develop in order to return to normal. This also means that no new ovulation stimulation cycles, fresh IVF or frozen embryo transfer cycles can be started until further notice.

Can You breastfeed?

As for breastfeeding, if the mother is infected, there are no prohibitions. After a series of studies of breast milk for the detection of COVID-19 in infected women, all results were negative.

That is, the virus has not been detected in breast milk. Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that so far these studies have been carried out in insignificant quantities. As of today, there is no data on the transmission of Corona Virus Disease to a newborn through breast milk.

If the mother is infected with COVID-19, it is advisable to feed the baby with expressed milk through a bottle, excluding contact with hands, and it is better if another family member does it. At the very least, you need to monitor the cleanliness of your hands, nipples - and feed only in a mask.

It should be added that, whenever possible, a pregnant woman needs to isolate herself as much as possible and protect herself from contact with others.

In no case do you need to self-medicate and panic, because panic is also a stress factor that negatively affects the immune system and reduces the body's resistance to various infections, and not only to coronavirus: do not forget that the rest during the COVID-19 pandemic viruses and diseases did not take a break.

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