What are Symptoms of Corona Virus Disease in Humans and How to Protect Yourself Against COVID-19 ?

According to the World Health Organization, a chronic lung disease virus that originated in China has now spread to more than 100 countries. More than a Hundred Thousand people have been infected with the Corona virus in the world so far.
Symptoms of Corona Virus Disease in Humans

What are the Symptoms of Corona Virus Disease In Humans ?

It apparently starts with a fever followed by a dry cough in humans.After a week there is difficulty in breathing. Some patients have to go to hospital after the Symptoms of Corona Virus Disease appear .It should be noted that the symptoms of nasal congestion and sneezing are very rare in this infection which is caused by COVID-19.
Symptoms of Corona Virus Disease in Humans

According to the World Health Organization, the duration of the infection from exposure to symptoms is 14 days.But some researchers say it can be up to 24 days.

Some Chinese scientists believe that some people can cause infection of Corona Virus Disease in other humans even before symptoms appear.
Protection Against COVID-19

How Dangerous Corona Virus can be?

World Health Organization (WHO) says after reviewing data from 44,000 patients infected with the virus that.

  • 81% of people had mild symptoms .
  • Severe symptoms appeared in 14% .
  • Five percent of people became seriously ill.
The mortality rate for this disease, named COVID-19 was one to two percent, but the numbers cannot be trusted.

Thousands of people are still undergoing treatment and the mortality rate may increase. But it is also unclear how many cases of mild symptoms are not reported, in which case the mortality may be even lower.

One billion people suffer from influenza every year, and between 200,000 and 600,000 people are killed by it. The severity of the flu changes every year.

It is currently being treated in basic ways, keeping the patient's body active, assisting with breathing, as long as his immune system is able to fight the virus.

However, vaccine preparations are under way and it is expected that by the end of this year, the drug will be tested on humans.The hospitals have begun using pre-existing drugs against the virus to see if they have any effect.

How can we protect ourselves from COVID-19?

World Health Organization says about Corona virus that:
  • Wash your hands with soap or gel that can kill the Corona virus.
  • Cover your mouth with coughing or sneezing, it is best to wash your hands with tissue, and immediately afterwards, so that the virus does not spread in other humans.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth after touching any surface. Being infected with a virus, it can enter your body.
  • Don't go near people who are coughing, sneezing or having fever. Virus drops from their mouths can flow into the atmosphere. Keep at least one meter, or three feet, from such persons.
  • If nature feels bad, stay home. If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical help. Follow the instructions of the medical authorities.
    Testing Corona Virus Disease

How fast is it spreading?

Thousands of new cases are being reported every day. However, analysts say that in fact it may be spreading far beyond that, at least 10 times as much as is reported in official statistics.

It has spread to South Korea, Italy, Iran ,America  And Europe so far, after which it is feared that it has become a global epidemic. Any infection is called a global epidemic, when it spreads to different parts of the world.

The World Health Organization says they are concerned about the number of special cases that are indirectly related to China. “The chances of the virus being present are increasing,” says the Organization.

With winter colds and the flu spreading more rapidly, it is likely that climate change will help to prevent this outbreak.

However, a virus similar to the Corona virus 'Middle East Respiratory Syndrome' spreads in Saudi Arabia over the summer. Therefore, there is no guarantee that summer  will prevent the outbreak.

How did Corona Virus Disease in Humans start?

The virus itself is not 'new'. It's just new to humans. It has come from one creature to another.

Many early cases were linked to a market in Wuhan in China where animal meat was found.In China, many people are very close to animals that can transmit the virus. And densely populated cities mean that these diseases can spread easily.

The disease, called cirrhosis, also started with the Corona virus. It started with bats and ended up being in humans through Suet cat.

The SARS epidemic killed 774 people in China in 2002, and more than eight thousand were affected.

This recent virus the seventh variant of Corona virus and no changes have been observed so far. But when the situation is resolved, scientists will take a closer look at it.

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