Is it safe to have sex during a Corona Virus Pandemic?

Is it safe to have sex during a corona virus pandemic?

If you are already sleeping with someone . Living with this person, and you have a common living space, nothing will change.

However, if one of you has Corona Virus Symptoms, then you should keep your distance and isolate yourself, even if you live together.

Is it safe to have sex during a Corona Virus Pandemic

Ideally, everyone should be at a distance of two meters from each other - even in their own home, but in practice this is almost impossible.

It’s also important to understand that it’s not at all a fact that if you have mild symptoms of Corona Virus,then your partner will develop the same way. Therefore, if you have symptoms, even minor ones, try to be at a distance from your partner.

How about sex with a new partner?

I definitely would not recommend making new partners in the current environment because of the risk of Corona Virus transmission.

And do not forget that people can be carriers of this infection, but do not have any external symptoms. So even if you feel completely normal, you can infect another person, and he or she will still someone else through a kiss or close contact.

I kissed with my new partner, who later developed symptoms of corona virus. What should I do?

If you were kissing someone or you had close contact with someone who, as you think, developed symptoms of a Corona Virus, then you should self-isolate. Watch your symptoms. If they appear, follow all safety precautions.

We must take responsibility for both the health of our partners and our own. If you have symptoms, and you recently hugged and kissed with someone, then you need to notify this person. And even if this person has symptoms and you don’t, you still need to isolate yourself.

My partner and I did not use condoms. Should I start using them now?

 First of all, it all depends on why you did not use condoms.

If you did not use them, because both were checked for sexually transmitted diseases, or you or your partner are taking contraceptives to prevent an unwanted pregnancy , then everything is in order, let everything remain as it is.

But if you did not use condoms, relying on interrupted sexual intercourse, then you are doubly at risk, and then you need to start using them.

Can I get corona virus by touching the genitals of a partner or partner?

George:  If you touch each other's intimate places, it is very likely that you will kiss at the same time, and we know that this virus is transmitted, including with saliva.

Theoretically, any possibility of transferring the virus to another surface - for example, from your mouth to your hands, then to your genitals, then to the mouth or nose of your partner - all this increases the risk of infection, and it is important to reduce this risk to an absolute minimum.

Therefore, the lack of contact with someone with whom you do not constantly live together is especially important.

How do I maintain a relationship during an epidemic? I do not want to be alone.

The current epidemic has led many to reconsider how a full-fledged sexual life should be arranged and what they mean by pleasant, joyful and enjoyable relationships.

I know that some couples have now begun to write erotic stories to each other, and those who are in a relationship, but forced to quarantine at different addresses, usefully spend this remote pause. Very many give free rein to fantasies. In fact, if you approach this creatively, there are many ways to get sexual pleasure from each other without being together.

It is also important to remember that now many can realize that they and their partner have different libido. That is, for example, you used to meet someone once a week, and then suddenly you were under the same roof [in quarantine].

It may turn out that you want sex when the partner does not want to, or vice versa. It is important to pronounce such moments with full respect and understanding of the needs of both.

If people live together, this does not mean that they are automatically available for sex at any moment. And for those who find themselves in a situation where he or she lives with a partner, but it seems to them that they are being forced to have sex, a special hotline can help.

Does my risk of contracting corona virus increase if I already have HIV?

If you are already taking some HIV-related medications regularly and you have a good test for CD4 lymphocytes (the number of white blood cells fighting the infection), as well as an undetectable viral load (the amount of HIV blood), then it is not considered that your immune system is weakened.

This means that you have no additional risk of contracting a Corona Virus. So if you are HIV-infected, then continue to take your prescribed medications and follow the isolation guidelines recommended by everyone else.

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