Corona Virus Disease in children : is there a danger

The relevance of this topic has been growing lately, the information comes in contradictory, and the panic in social networks only enhances the severity of the moment.

Most parents are worried about their babies in the context of the declared epidemic, so we’ll try to figure out for whom Corona Virus Disease  is dangerous and why.
Corona Virus Disease in children

How can I get infected by Corona Virus Disease?

Children can become infected with this new viral infection just like adults:
  •  By airborne droplets (from a sick person or carrier with kisses, with sneezing and coughing),
  •  Airborne dust
  •  Contact-household method (in contact with objects that have been visited by droplets of saliva, mucus and other secretions from the respiratory tract of infected or carriers).
It would seem that children have a higher risk of infection than adults, since they are more difficult to control in terms of hygiene: they do not like to wash their hands, tend to pull their fingers in their mouths and touch their faces with their hands. 

However, a catastrophe does not occur, because children's immunity is more resistant to this infection. He is capable of resistance better than an adult.

But this, of course, does not mean that babies can neglect the rules of hygiene, hoping for the natural forces of the body. For example, it is recommended not to take children to public playgrounds, but to give preference to walks in parks and squares.

How is it manifested?

The incubation period in children, as in adults, is from 2 to 14 days, in some cases it can increase up to 3-4 weeks.

In the debut, the disease proceeds as a normal SARS, manifested:
  •  temperature from subfebrile to febrile,
  •  intoxication
  •  runny nose
  •  sore throat,
  •  dry cough
  •  digestive upset
Treatment of Corona Virus Disease
The vast majority of young patients recover quite quickly, however, under unfavorable circumstances, bronchitis and even pneumonia may be necessary, requiring serious treatment in a hospital setting.

For whom is infection dangerous?

At risk are children suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, various immunodeficiencies, children undergoing hormone therapy and undergoing treatment for cancer or autoimmune diseases.

It is these babies that need to be protected from contacts especially diligently. How to achieve this:
  1.  Create isolation (minimize shopping trips to social institutions, hospitals and clinics) - most issues can be resolved by phone or postponed to a later time
  2.  Completely exclude trips to entertainment centers, to guests and educational institutions. You must always remember that knowledge gaps can be filled, and it is very difficult to restore lost health
  3.  Prefer private transport over public transport, if not possible, always use a mask
  4.  Adults living with children at risk should also minimize their contact and carefully monitor their health (wear a mask, regularly treat their hands, etc.)
A good preventive effect is provided by regular irrigation of the respiratory tract with saline using a nebulizer. Children at risk and adults around them should not neglect this simple procedure. If there is no nebulizer, then you can simply gargle and rinse your nose with salt water.

Quartzing of the room where the child lives is not superfluous, with a closed type antibacterial lamp (this is the lamp that can be used when people are in the room).

Treatment of Corona Virus Disease

Unfortunately, specific therapy for the treatment of Corona Virus Disease has not yet been developed, so while treatment is reduced to symptomatic:
  •  Strict home mode
  •  Heavy drink
  •  Frequent cleaning, humidification and ventilation
  • With an increase in temperature, it is recommended to use antipyretic agents based on paracetamol ( ibuprofen is not recommended if corona virus infection is suspected)
  • For sore throat, tickle and runny nose, local antiseptics are used in the form of throat sprays and drops or nasal sprays  
  • With digestive upset, enterosorbents are prescribed
Joining a cough, shortness of breath, febrile fever and severe deterioration are one hundred percent indication for hospitalization . Antibiotics are not used to treat infections at home.

Carriers of the Corona Virus Disease.

There is another important point worth paying attention to: for most children, the infection is not dangerous , since it does not pose a threat to life. But almost all children have elderly relatives (grandparents) who are better off staying away from the Corona Virus Disease.

In this regard, if possible, it is better to limit the contacts of children visiting children's groups and public places with elderly relatives until the end of the dangerous period.

A disease is always easier to prevent than to treat.

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