Corona Virus: Six Fake Tips to Prevent and Treat Disease You Should Ignore

The Corona virus is spreading rapidly to various countries around the world and no cure for this has yet been discovered.
Six Fake Tips to Prevent and Treat Corona Virus Disease You Should Ignore

However, online medical advice regarding the treatment of the corona virus continues. Some tips are not only useless but harmless, but some are extremely dangerous.

We have reviewed these types of claims that are widely shared online, and have tried to understand what science says.

1. Garlic (Fake Tip to Prevent Corona Virus Disease)

A number of posts have been shared on the social networking site Facebook, suggesting that eating garlic may help prevent infection.
Eating garlic can not protects people from the corona virus .

The World Health Organization says that although garlic is 'a healthy diet that may have some anti-microbial properties', there is no evidence that eating garlic protects people from the corona virus. 

This kind of treatment is not harmful health unless you rely on it and ignore the (Corona) certified medical advice in this regard. But such tips also have the potential to be hazardous.

The South China Morning Post published the story of a woman who was taken to the hospital after eating 1.5kg of raw garlic. Eating garlic in such quantities caused severe irritation in their throat.

We all know that eating fruits and vegetables and drinking the right amount of water is very good for health. However, there is no evidence that eating a certain type of diet will increase the immune system against certain viruses.

2- 'Miracle Minerals' (Fake Tip to Prevent Corona Virus Disease)

Well-known YouTuber Jordan Sather has been found claiming that 'miraculous minerals' 'completely eradicate' the corona virus. These minerals are named MMS.

Jordan Sather has thousands of followers on social networking websites.

Chlorine dioxide is found in these minerals, which is a bleaching agent. Sather and his colleagues began promoting the substance before the outbreak of the Corona virus.

In January this year, he tweeted, "Chlorine dioxide not only effectively eliminates cancerous bacteria but also eliminates the corona virus."

Last year, the United States' Food and Drug Administration warned of the dangers posed to health by drinking these minerals. In other countries, health-related authorities issued alerts.

The Food and Drug Administration says, "We are not aware of any research that shows that such products are effective in the treatment of a disease."

The US agency added that drinking these minerals can show symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, cholera and severe water deficiency in the body.

3- Sterilizing pesticides made in homes -- (Fake Tip to Prevent Corona Virus Disease)

There have also been numerous reports that hand sanitizers have been lacking in various countries. The main reason for this is that frequent washing of hands is one of the major means of preventing the spread of corona virus.
Sterilizing pesticides made in homes

When news of this bottleneck began to emerge in Italy, recipes for making such sterile liquids in social media became viral on social media.

But many such recipes can help to clean the surface of the material on the ground or in the home, but as scientists have said, they are not the subject at all for human skin.

Alcohol gel  usually contains soft, supple and fresh ingredients.

Sally Bloomfield, a professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, says she can't believe you can create such an effective bacterial solution at home.

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there are common antibiotic solutions available at home for various levels of hygiene.

4- Drinkable Silver (Silver)--(Fake Tip to Prevent Corona Virus Disease)

Jim Baker, the host of American TV show, encouraged the use of 'colloidal silver' in one of his programs.

Colloidal silver is actually the fine particle of silver metal contained in any liquid. One guest participating in the program claimed that the solution was capable of  killing some germs of the Corona virus within 12 hours. However, the guest also acknowledged that no such experiment has been performed on Covid 19.

It was widely circulated on Facebook that 'this solution may be useful in treating Corona'. And in spreading the word, there were groups that viewed the mainstream medical advice with suspicion.

Proponents of this solution claim that this solution can cure all kinds of ailments because it has the properties of a bactericidal drug. They also say that this barrier also improves immunity.

But US Department of Health officials are clearly suggesting that there is no evidence that such silver can be effective in treating any disease.

Most importantly, its use can have many adverse effects on health, such as kidney damage, seizures and allergies (a disease in which the skin turns blue).

Unlike metals such as iron and zinc, silver is a metal that has nothing to do with the human body, health officials say.

People who were involved in advertising silverware on Facebook are now sending out warning messages from the Facebook administration.

5- Drinking water every 15 minutes --(Fake Tip to Prevent Corona Virus Disease)

Drinking water every 15 minutes to Prevent Corona Virus Disease
There is also a post that has been shared thousands of times. This post describes an alleged 'Japanese doctor' message. The message says that drinking water every 15 minutes eliminates all viruses in the mouth.

An Arabic version of this message has been shared more than two million times.

There is no biological mechanism that supports the fact that you can only pass water from your mouth to the gut and kill it, says Professor Trudy Long of the University of Oxford.

Infection systems like the corona virus enter the body through the respiratory tract while you breathe.

Rarely does the virus enter the mouth, and even if you enter it, consuming regular water will not prevent you from becoming infected.

It is more important that drinking good and proper water is beneficial for your health.

6- Definitely hot but avoid ice cream -- (Fake Tip to Prevent Corona Virus Disease)

In addition, there are several suggestions that suggest that heat eliminates the virus or drink too much hot water or take hot water and even use a hair dryer.

Social media users in different countries have shared a post saying that it was released by UNICEF, though not at all.

Charlotte Goernztska, who works for the misinformation of the Corona virus at UNICEF, says: "There was a message on social media called UNICEF claiming not to use ice cream and other cold drinks. Is a source of prevention. Of course, this is not true. '

We all know that the flu virus cannot survive outside of the human body in hot weather, but we do not know exactly how the heat affects the new Corona virus.

According to Professor Bloomfield, keeping your body warm or staying in the sun most of the time is completely ineffective just because your body does not become a virus. Once the virus enters your body, there is no way you can kill it; yes, if the virus enters the body, your physical strength will fight it and eliminate it. Is.

Professor Bloomfield further says that outside the human body, you need a temperature of about 60 degrees Celsius to immediately kill any virus. And this temperature is much hotter than any hot water bath. '

However, using warm water at 60 degrees Celsius to wash bed sheets and towels is a good idea because doing so can eliminate the virus in the clothes. However, it is not a good idea to wash human skin with such warm water.

Another thing is not to take hot water or use hot drinks to change your body temperature. After using hot drinks or water, the temperature of the human body remains the same as it was before you were not sick.

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