What fruits should and should not be eaten with Corona Virus Disease

With this Corona Virus Disease, there is no exact diet, however the patient’s diet must be balanced, and also not require large amounts of energy for digesting food.
What fruits should be eaten with Corona Virus Disease

Fresh, baked, and dried fruits are allowed. They will help maintain the necessary amount of nutrients in the body, as well as normalize digestion for Corona Virus patient.

What fruits should be eaten with Corona Virus Disease?

Most often, apples and pears are included in the diet of patients. These fruits have the following effects on the body:
  • Stimulate appetite
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Reduce brain wear
  • Help normalize bowel function
  • Favorably affect the cardiovascular system
  • Support psychological health
  • Contribute to the regeneration of liver cells.
A pear may be helpful for stool disorders. Also, this product allows you to get rid of heartburn. An apple, in turn will help improve vision, remove toxins from the body.

It is important to understand that these fruits can have a negative effect. Refuse to include them in the diet will have with increased acidity of the stomach.

With excessive enthusiasm, these products can cause bloating and flatulence. Such consequences will weaken the body and only contribute to the development of the disease.

With the onset of symptoms of pneumonia, all citrus fruits will become extremely beneficial. In most cases, grapefruit, lemon, orange and tangerine are preferred. Eating these fruits will improve the process of expectoration. Also, citrus fruits contribute to improving metabolism.

These fruits are distinguished by the presence of a list of healing properties:
  • Increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Have anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Strengthen bone tissue;
  • Normalize the water-salt balance;
  • Support the health of the nervous system;
  • Improve skin condition;
  • Slow down the development of cancer cells;
  • Increase skin elasticity;
  • Prevent rapid aging;
  • Relieve feelings of fatigue.
It is important to understand that citrus fruits contribute to the production of gastric juice and increase its acidity. Therefore, the use of such fruits must be limited. 

They also often cause an allergic reaction. All citrus fruits are contraindicated in gastritis and gastric ulcer. Also, these fruits can pose a threat to tooth enamel.

It is important to consider that with Corona Virus Disease, the use of any fruit is allowed. However, when signs of pneumonia appear, it is recommended that plum and apricot be excluded from the diet. In the presence of gastritis, ulcers or colitis, many fruits can only be eaten boiled or baked.

Fruits have a rich chemical composition and are easily absorbed by the body. Because of this, they are always included in the diet of patients with Corona Virus Disease.
However, each fruit has its own contraindications, and can also have a negative effect with excessive consumption.

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